Ответы Вселенной

How do you get a boy’s attention when he is so popular and you are a nobody? I can’t stop thinking of him but he doesn’t even know I exist. How do I get this boy to notice me?

  • First of all, why do you think you are a nobody? That’s the wrong approach to have in life. Just because you are not the popular kid in school like this boy is, does not mean you are a nobody, you are still a beautiful person. So never think of yourself as any less than anyone else out there.
    As for getting the attention of this popular boy, let me be real, that can get a bit tricky. If I were you, I would rather focus my attention on someone who I know, someone who is more approachable, someone whom I can get along with. Look at it this way, it’s fun to have crushes on popular guys, like celebrities and stuff, but won’t you agree that it’s kind of unrealistic to expect them to have similar crush on you? Also, just because they seem amazing from afar remember that you don’t know them and for all you know, they could be douche bags who won’t care for you or love you back the same way you luv them. So find yourself a nice boy who you get along with easily and focus your attention on him. I am sure he will make you feel like the beautiful girl that you truly are

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